Wednesday 25 June 2014

Get fit and healthy for summer!

I'm on a bit of a health buzz at the moment to get my body fit and healthy for summer. I'm going on holidays to Croatia in September so I want to be bikini ready by then. I also have loads of weddings and festivals coming up so I want to look my best so I can feel good on the inside and outside. I wanted to share some exercise tips and some healthy recipes with you. I started of my new healthy lifestyle with a 3 day juice detox which really helped me to get into the right frame of mind for the months ahead. I hope you enjoy these tips and tricks and let me know if you have any advice maybe you'd like to share with me also!

Thanks for reading!


A bit of all white!! ;-)

Now that it's officialy summer i'm loving all things white, adding a bit of white to your home or your outfit completely brightens it up. I don't know about you but  white instantly cheers me up! Its also a relaxing and peaceful colour that goes with anything! I hope when you look through the pics above that it brightens up your day even for just a minute!! :-)

Happy Summer.... Thanks so much for reading!

Lots of Love,